The latest iPad and iPhone Application Development Course

| Última modificación: 12 de julio de 2024 | Tiempo de Lectura: 1 minutos

Latest iPad & iPhone Application Development Course

The University Of Stanford has released the latest iPad and iPhone Application Development Course. The Fall 2011 course, with Paul Hegarty includes topics such as:
  1. Tools and APIs required to build applications for the iPhone platform using the iPhone SDK.
  2. User interface designs for mobile devices and unique user interactions using multitouch technologies.
  3. Object-oriented design using model-view-controller pattern, memory management, Objective-C programming language.
  4.  iPhone APIs and tools including Xcode, Interface Builder and Instruments on Mac OS X.
  5. Other topics include: core animation, bonjour networking, mobile device power management and performance considerations.
The general prerequisites for Stanford courses are:
  1. C language and programming experience
  2. Recommended: UNIX, object-oriented programming, graphical toolkits
  3. And of course… English. 🙂
Download the iPad and iPhone Application Development Course from iTunes.

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